You get a lot of health benefits just by massaging your feet every night. You will be surprised at how your health improves within a very short period of time.
Massage is the use of pressure in various forms – through movement, vibration or tension. It can be structured or unstructured. It can be mobile or stationary, or you can do it manually or even through mechanical aids, Telegraph reports.
The massage can be applied with fingers, forearm or hand, knees or elbows, but also with feet. You can also use equipment that is only for massage.
However, no matter what method you choose, massage will help your metabolism!
These are some of the health benefits of massage:
* Improves blood circulation
* Promotes relaxation
* Promotes general well-being
* If you are pregnant, foot massage helps reduce the effects of swelling.
* Improves skin health.
* Helps improve the proper functioning of organs.
* Treats various diseases.
In fact, massage can become a recreational activity, but it can also have a sexual side to it.