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American Cockroach (Periplaneta Americana) is one of the most common and largest cockroach species in the world. Here you have key information about them and their impact:

Size: They can measure between 3 and 5 cm in length, making them one of the largest cockroaches.
Color: They are reddish brown, with a pale yellow pattern on the top of the head.
Lifespan: They live up to a year or more, depending on conditions.

Favorite places: They prefer warm, humid places, such as kitchens, basements, sewers and areas with food remains.
Adaptability: They are very resistant and can survive with little food and water.
Damage they cause
Health risks:

They carry bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli, which can cause illness.
Their excrements and secretions cause allergies and aggravate asthma, especially in children and sensitive people.
Food contamination:

They can contaminate food when coming into contact with them.
They also damage packaging and stored supplies.
Deterioration of materials:

They chew paper, fabrics and organic materials, causing damage in the home or office.
Possible benefits
Although they are not wanted in homes, in the wild:

They contribute to decomposing organic matter, helping the natural cycle of nutrients.
They are scientifically studied for their capacity for adaptation and resistance.
How to control them
Hygiene: Keep your house clean, without food remains or exposed water.
Sealing spaces: Close cracks and holes where they can enter.
Professional control: If the infestation is severe, contact a pest control expert.
Cockroaches are not only a nuisance, they can also be a serious health risk. Therefore, it is essential to keep them out of the house.

Try these 5 ways to get rid of cockroaches without being toxic.

1. Clean the water pipes with baking soda and hot water

The drain pipe is the “door” for cockroaches to break into the house. Therefore, cleaning the pipes is also an effective way to prevent cockroaches.

You can put a spoonful of baking soda in a cup of 60-degree warm water, stir it and pour it into the water pipe. In fact, baking soda is very effective in killing cockroaches. The product is also known as pure sodium bicarbonate, an ingredient containing an acid that destroys the digestive tract of cockroaches.

2. Chrysanthemum wine soaking method

Thai Nham Pho, a cockroach expert and a Biology teacher at Taipei No. 1 Girls’ High School, Taiwan, once conducted research to prove that alcohol affects the respiratory system of cockroaches. “If you absorb enough alcohol, cockroaches will die,” the teacher affirmed. Chrysanthemums are also a scent that cockroaches do not like, so chrysanthemum wine is a natural and effective way to repel cockroaches that experts recommend.

You can pluck fresh chrysanthemum petals and soak them in wine. After a week, you can spray them in the corners of the wall or drain holes, once a week. This method is especially effective in killing newly hatched cockroaches.

3. Mixture of water and white vinegar

Mix water and white vinegar in a 1:1 ratio, then spray in places where cockroaches often appear. Because of the pungent smell of vinegar, when using it, you need to pay attention to the ventilation of the house.

4. Citrus essential oil

Limonene is the main ingredient in the oil of citrus peels such as oranges and tangerines. This is the nemesis of cockroaches. Cut the citrus peel into pomegranate seeds, then put it in a mixture of water and wine in a 1:3 ratio, soak for a week. Use this mixture to spray in places where cockroaches often go.

You can also use essential oils to repel insects. Essential oils such as lemongrass and eucalyptus are very good for repelling cockroaches. Dilute the essential oil and spray it in places where cockroaches often appear.

5. Spray Citric Acid

Citric acid is a natural preservative, used to add sourness to food or soft drinks. Cockroaches hate the smell of citric acid, so you can spray this solution around the house to prevent cockroaches.

The method is to put 10g of baking soda, 10g of citric acid and 40g of water in a watering can and mix well. Spray on the table, sink or drain in the kitchen, wait 10 minutes and then wipe gently with a sponge. This method can also prevent the frequency of cockroaches.